The White iPhone 4

The White iPhone 4

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

White iPhone 4 News and Rumor Roundup

Hey everyone! Here's the latest, in a simple, enumerated list:

1. As you all know, iPhone 4 was not available for pre-order in white. The Apple store image says: "White iPhone currently unavailable for pre-order or in-store pickup". AT&T says: "coming soon".

2. This news was actually leaked by by, who uncovered an AT&T internal memo. I saw the post while waitng until 3 a.m. central for my pre-order, and just didn't want to believe it. Alas, it was true.

3. There is almost no word from any official source regarding the delay. What we do know is this. Apple claims that they will "sell it as soon as they can," and AT&T's memo states the white iPhone 4 will be available "later this summer."

4. Everyone who wanted one is either sad, or angry, or both.

Stay tuned for more news!

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