The White iPhone 4

The White iPhone 4

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

White iPhone 4 Listed on Wal-Mart's Website

Is the white iPhone 4 going to be at Wal-Mart?  Some recent posts on Google News have suggested so.  But how much credibility is in these reports?

I hate to rain on anyone's parade, and this would indeed be awesome news if it were true, but the recent rash of stories highlighting Wal-Mart's potential white iPhone availability are anything but conclusive.

First, the stories only link to the white iPhone 4 page on the Wal-Mart site.  In fact, the only way to find this page is to search in the electronics department.  There are no links to the iPhone 4 on the main page or the electronics page (at the time of this posting).  No ads, no nothing.

Check them out here and here.

After searching iPhone 4 in Electronics, however, I got this page:

Clicking on either one revealed identical screens, except for the color.

Note they weren't available for online order, and both say that information is not available, only to check stores for availability.  It then asks us to click "Learn More."  So, I did.  Here's what I got for both screens:

It seems to me these pages aren't really designed to tell anyone anything about what is or isn't available.  They're placeholders.  These are the pages we'll see linked to the homepage after both phones are in regular circulation.  Until then, they stuck these up there to provide a template for the web designers to follow when the phones are actually in stores.  Note, however, that information for the black one is JUST as vague as it is for the white one on Wal-Mart's website, so this isn't a strike against the white iPhone 4 being at Wal-Mart for launch, it just doesn't really provide any positive evidence that it will be.

Thoughts on the matter?  We'll have the answers soon, but if you've got two cents, I've got a penny jar below.  Let us know what you think.

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