The White iPhone 4

The White iPhone 4

Monday, June 28, 2010

Antenna Issue Update

Update regarding the antenna issue:

It could be a software problem, as the signal-switching software may be confused by the interruption created by bridging the iPhone antennae. Stay tuned for a potential software update.

Friday, June 25, 2010

What's Causing the Antenna Issue? Apple Rep. Responds

As I mentioned earlier, the black iPhone 4 I have is experiencing the dreaded antenna issue.  So I decided to do some digging and find out what's behind the problem.  Here's what I discovered.

iPhone 4 News and Rumor Roundup, June 24-25, 2010

Well, yesterday was a crazy day for me, as it was for everyone else in the iPhone nation.  Mine was for different reasons though.

Consequently, I didn't get the chance to post anything yesterday, and there was a TON of news, not all white iPhone 4 related, but definitely iPhone related.  Read on for a summary of the most interesting points.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Launch Mania!

Well, us white iPhone waiters may have something to relax about, for now.  The pre-orders that were given to be filled by Best Buy, Radio Shack and Wal-Mart are gone, and the stores received fewer phones than they expected.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Why the White iPhone 4 is Delayed! Really!!!

Well, I didn't expect such a thorough response, but it would seem our good friend nfs8932 has found commentary that really elucidates the potential situation.  Check out what nfs8932 uncovered, and read my explanation and impressions.

So You're Waiting for the White iPhone 4, What to do with Your Old One?

While many people are selling their old iPhone 3Gs and 3GS' right now to help pay for their upgrades, people waiting for the white are faced with a problem.  On the one hand, you want to get the most value out of the sale of your old iPhone.  On the other hand, you want to use your iPhone while you wait.  So I've taken some time to examine the best options.

What Kind of Manufacturing Difficulties? Let's figure it out!

So we now know that the delay of our favorite white enigma is due to difficulties in manufacturing.  Since we know the only difference between the two models is the color, what could be harder about it?

I want to do a full story on it, but I want your feedback first!

Official Word from Apple: Not Until the Second Half of July

In an unceremonious press release, Apple announced that the white iPhone 4 will not be available until sometime in the second half of July due to manufacturing challenges.

No News From Apple on White iPhone 4, Launch Day Closing In

Well, as you've probably seen in previous posts, I expected that Apple would make some sort of precautionary announcment regarding availability of the white iPhone 4, soon enough to stop people from getting in line for it.  So far, they've proven me wrong.

The Coolest Place for Your New iPhone Case

So you're either getting the new iPhone in black today or tomorrow, or waiting and planning for the white one.  Problem:  How do you keep it safe once you have it?  Solution:  A case.  BUT, you don't just want any old plastic piece of ugly from Best Buy blocking all that beautiful engineering from the world's envious eyes.

Where do you turn?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Entrepreneur Rents Out a Place in Line at a San Francisco Apple Store

An iPhone convert has decided to rent out his extra place in line at the Apple Store on Stockton Street in San Francisco.  Got $200.00?  Buy a shot at a white iPhone 4.

White iPhone 4 Listed on Wal-Mart's Website

Is the white iPhone 4 going to be at Wal-Mart?  Some recent posts on Google News have suggested so.  But how much credibility is in these reports?

A Quest from the White Apple Knight to You

Everyone who reads this and wants to go on a little mission, I've got a great idea.

We know that Wal-Mart, Radio Shack, Best Buy and Apple stores might just have white iPhone 4 units in tomorrow.  Let's try and be the first to break the news, and maybe in the process be the first to get our hands on them.

White iPhone 4s Given to Reviewers!

Thanks to Kenyon for this information.  After checking out his message on the blog, I went to the WSJ review and yes, in fact, Walt Mossberg is reviewing a white iPhone 4!

Some iPhone 4 Pre-orders Will Ship Early

Some people who managed to get the iPhone 4 pre-ordered will get it early, says Apple.

Poll Results Are In!

69% of you said you were waiting!  That takes some serious drive and desire!

See the rest of the results:

The First Reviews for iPhone 4

It would seem that the first reviews are in for the iPhone 4, as Apple has handed the phone to a select number of tech journalists around this time last week.  As we all knew and expected, the reviews are glowing.  However, there is no mention of the white iPhone 4 in any of the reviews I've read so far.  Go figure.  Anyway, if you're interested in checking out the reviews, I've compiled some of the better ones into a convenient list:

A Deep Dark Void of White iPhone 4 News

Today is a dark day for white iPhone 4 enthusiasts, quite literally.  There is no news at all from any source.  The same played-out rumors, speculation, and repackaged news that we all already knew on launch day is all we have on the web to sustain us.  However, this void is, in and of itself, news.

Monday, June 21, 2010

iOS 4 Hands-on

So after checking iTunes sporadically for most of the morning, in the early afternoon I found that iOS 4 was ready for installation!  I plugged the 3GS into the USB port, and started the download.  Now you can read about my experience here.

White HTC Evo an Implausible Substitute for White iPhone 4

The Droidbags are at it again.

White iPhone 4 in Best Buy Stores at Launch?

A leaked Best Buy internal shipping document has the iPhone quarter of the web buzzing with the news that just maybe Best Buy will have some white ones on launch day.  This article takes a look at that possibility.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

iPhone News and Rumor Roundup, June 20, 2010

Good evening everyone! I'm back from my trip and incredibly exhausted, but I had a great time. There was no reception where I was, so I haven't had the chance to update. Here's what's new:

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Out of Town Until Sunday

Good evening fellow white iPhoneers!

The White Apple Knight will be out of town for the weekend.  I'll still be in touch over my iPhone where I can be, and will make updates based on any on-point news I see.  Just don't expect any crazy stories or conspiracy theorizing out of me this weekend.  Also, I'll tweet whatever I find. 

Have a great weekend my friends!  I'll be back in full swing on Sunday night or Monday morning!

GadgetCrave Has a Strange Idea of Sexy

So just for fun, I clicked on one of those "Droid X is Way Better Than iPhone Because I'm an Idiot" stories, and what I saw there nearly made me squirt milk out of my nose from a 1995 school cafeteria meal.  What was so funny?

The White iPhone 4 Blog Special Feature Announcement

Yesterday, I discussed how because of the likely August delivery date of the white iPhone 4, we were going to have to come up with a way to amuse ourselves while we waited.  I also alluded to a few tricks I might have stuffed up my sleve.  So I wanted to give everyone an idea of some of the things that I have planned, and why I'm excited about them.

iPhone 4 News and Rumor Roundup, June 17, 2010

Yet again, we have no news from Apple or anyone else regarding the white iPhone.  However, a few interesting bits about iPhone in general are out there, and I'm here to bring them to you.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Pre-orders Continue to Roll In

Well, the pre-orders are still coming in fast and furious.  According to Apple's website, iPhone 4 pre-orders made now won't actually arrive until July 14.  That means they're already through the 2nd production run, and onto selling the third via pre-order.

Not Until August?

Social Media SEO reports that the white iPhone 4 might not be available until August. However, their source is a commenter who allegedly heard it from a Best Buy employee. Not particularly credible, but who knows?

Black AND White iPhones, How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too!

Good morning white iPhoneers! I just had an epiphany, and I can't wait to share it with you. Would you like to have a black iPhone 4 when it comes out, then switch to a white one when it's available? I mean, if Apple offered this would you sign up? Yes? Yes! Ok. Here's how to pull it off.

iPhone 4 News and Rumor Roundup, June 16, 2010

Today, there is no fresh news about when the white iPhone 4 will be released or why it isn't around. Apple seems to be keeping very quiet on this front. Two possible reasons are:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Best Buy Told to Stop Taking White iPhone 4 Pre-orders

According to AppleInsider, Apple told Best Buy to stop taking white iPhone 4 pre-orders. You can see that story here.

So what does this mean for those who got a white one ordered before the buzzer?

AT&T Sold Out of iPhone 4

Yes, it's already happened. According to a post on, AT&T is SOLD OUT of iPhone 4 pre-orders. Now, you won't be able to get the black iPhone 4 on launch day from there. I tried to log in there to see if I could verify it, but I couldn't even get into my AT&T account.

Apple Store Updates

Here at TheWhiteiPhone4, it's my aim to provide you with the most recent updates. In that spirit, I'll be checking at least twice a day, and posting any news I find to this blog, as well as to @TheWhiteiPhone4 on Twitter.

Let me be obsessive for you, so you don't have to. Any time I check, I'll also post. So sit back. I've go this one.

Why's it Late? Possible Explanations for White iPhone 4 Delay

So I bet right now you're all wondering why Apple delayed the iPhone 4? While the obvious answer is supply limitations, what caused them? Moreover, what if it's something else? Here are some possibilities I came up with, along with my completely amateur opinion as to their likelihood.

White iPhone 4 News and Rumor Roundup

Hey everyone! Here's the latest, in a simple, enumerated list:

Introduction and first post!

Welcome to the white iPhone 4 Blog. Here you'll find up-to-the-minute information, news, rumors and opinions regarding Apple's MIA white iPhone 4.

It may be a long wait for the iPhone we're skipping pre-order to get ahold of, but we'll be with you all the way!