The White iPhone 4

The White iPhone 4

Friday, July 16, 2010

Apple Press Conference News: White iPhone 4 Coming at the End of July

And there we have it folks!  They ship at the end of July.  That means, in all likelihood, Saturday, July 31, they will ship out to stores, and be available from then on.  The Apple store online is still not taking pre-orders for it.  I'll be staying on top of that, and let you know as soon as it's available.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

iPhone 4 Event Tomorrow! Will Apple Announce White iPhone 4?

Apple today announced an iPhone-oriented press conference for tomorrow, July 16th.  While many people have their eyes fixed on the iPhone 4 antenna issue as the reason for this conference, what if it's something else?  Could Apple be announcing the release of the white iPhone 4?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Does Consumer Reports Have an Anti-Apple Agenda?

While this line of stories continues to trigger my gag reflex, it just won't die.  Today, consumer reports went further in its criticism of iPhone 4.  In a new blog post, Consumer Reports states that Apple is obliged to "offer a product that works consistently and reliably out of the box."  The post seems also to suggest that consumers ought to return their iPhone 4s.  While yesterday I posted that Consumer Reports was a respectable review agency, and that their methods were scientific, their blog post today has shaken that respect, and a statement by an electromagnetic engineer currently working as a tech blogger casts doubt on the credibility of their testing.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Is Apple Already Fixing the Antenna Issue With a Hydrophobic Coating?

Remember a few weeks ago, when I discussed contact with an Apple rep who confirmed that a missing hydrophobic coating on the iPhone 4, a manufacturing oversight, was causing the antenna issue to emerge on some units, but not all?

Well, after that meme never panned out, no further confirmation emerged from any other sources, and Apple announced its alleged software fix, I put that idea on the back burner, relegated to my bin of unconfirmed theories that didn't pan out.  But it may have actually been spot on.

A Possible iPhone 4 Recall and What It Means for White iPhone 4

Over the past few days, reports have been all over the web about Consumer Reports' rating of iPhone 4.  Namely, says the respected consumer products review agency, the iPhone 4 has a design flaw that seriously upsets its reception.

Normally, I'd dismiss such a statement as alarmist, and probably based on anecdote.  Normally, I'd probably be right to do so.  But remember those rational reviewers I was talking about?  Consumer Reports used similar (actually more exacting) methods, and a diverse sample of iPhone 4s in its tests.  This morning, I began to see stories discussing the need for Apple to recall iPhone 4, and I began to wonder.  What does this mean for the white iPhone 4?

Monday, July 12, 2010

More Pictures of White iPhone 4, But No Word Yet on Release

While Monday came and has mostly gone with no white iPhone 4 news, I did manage to come across some more pictures, which I think are from the same set as the ones I put up in an earlier post.  Check out some more angles, detail, and even the packaging!  We've got to be getting close...

Friday, July 9, 2010

An Artful Case and Antenna Solution in One! Check These Out!

In a much earlier post, I pointed out the cool iPhone 4 stuff you could find on  It seems a designer there has come up with the coolest, most elegant way to protect your phone's stainless sides and style it up at the same time.  If you haven't seen these yet, you're going to want them for your iPhone 4.  I guarantee it.

What Happens When Everyone Has One? The Smartphone Omega Point and the Future of iPhone

In 2010, smartphone owners are still only a small segment of society.  We surf the web, download movies and music and more all while on the go.  We hold in our hands the future of computing.  But it won't always be so.  Someday soon, the entire user base will be installed.  In that world, where will iPhone fit?

New White iPhone 4 Pictures Surface

So there are some shiny new pictures of a white iPhone 4 someone managed to get their hands on in Japan.  This thing is BEAUTIFUL.  Check it out.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The "Death Grip" Sinks Apple Haters to New Lows

Of all of the noise about iPhone 4's alleged antenna issue, the loudest seems to come from those who would be hating on iPhone 4 no matter what.  Here's why it's just Droidbags who've found a new key to whine in.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Ultimate White iPhone 4?

Just when you thought a white iPhone 4 couldn't get any more rare, this comes along. But is it art?

2 Weeks with iPhone 4: The Good, the Bad, the Beautiful

It's been about two weeks since launch day, and I've been test-driving a black iPhone 4 since then.  As you may have seen from my previous postings, I promised a review.  Well, instead of getting one out after a week with the unit, I moved from a two-bedroom house into a one-bedroom apartment.  While it was an overall terrible experience, I had iPhone 4 with me the whole way.

All the reviews you usually read have to do with what iPhone 4 is like when life is good, and you've got all the time in the world to play with your shiny new toy.  I spent the first week doing that.  The second week, however, saw me using iPhone 4 when life is at its most challenging and taxing.  Few reviews will tell you what kind of companion iPhone 4 makes in the roughest times.  This one will.

White iPhone 4 Rumor: It's Coming this Weekend?

Well, we'll start off today with a fresh rumor.  Alex, a commenter, recently posted the following:
"I work in the Mall of America in MN. I heard from a friend who works for AT&T here that they will be receiving white iPhone 4's next weekend (7/9-7/12) when they receive replenishment of the black models!!"
Is it true?  Read on to find out the likelihood.

And We're Back!

Hello everyone!  I have officially concluded the bulk of my move, and am back in the saddle, so to speak.  The bad news?  I've missed out on the craziest parts of the Great iPhone 4 Deathgrip Crisis.  The good news?  Now that the dust has settled, there's some genuine data out there to debate.  We also have a white iPhone 4 rumor to report.  More to follow.